New pubg map
New pubg map

new pubg map

The map is ideal for raising scores by increasing the survival rate. The location comprises of barren land area that is mainly deserted desert, which resembles Pablo Escobar’s compound from NARCOS. It has overcast weather and sunset, which players get randomly. Miramar has more land area than Erangel, despite being similar in size. SCAR-L Erangel Map Guide – Start Locations:Įrangel is a vast map, and the ideal location to parachute yourself would be a zone that is far away from the loot areas but still has a high spawn rate of vehicles. There are no other exclusive weapons for the map. Erangel Exclusive guns:Įrangel has a SCAR-L assault rifle, and DP-28 comes close as being exclusive. Other areas that contain good amounts of loot include the Pochinki, Gerogepol, Prison, and Novorepnoye. Mylta Power – Located in the east, the Mylta Power is a power plant that offers high quantities of supreme loot, including sniper rifle attachments, shotguns, sniper rifles, and level 3 military gear. One can easily find guns that include assault rifles, DMRs, and mostly level 2 gear.

new pubg map

School – The school is located at the center of the Erangel map and is one of the most popular places amongst the players due to its reasonable loot and location.

new pubg map

Sosnovka Military Base – Located on the southern island, the Sosnovka Military Base is one of the best places in the game where you can find consistent loot consisting of armor, weapons, attachments, and healing kits. However, one should be extremely careful as these areas are usually swarming with other players during the initial stages of the game. The following three loot areas in the Erangel map are flooded with decent loot. Erangel is a combination of urban areas and wheat farmlands that create a wide variety of battles and gameplay, ranging from intense close-range firefights in streets and buildings to long-range sniping duels taking place across wheat fields.


Military base and cities like Pochinki have decent loot, and one gets the backpack full there. The players are to seek shelter to save themselves from the bombings.Įrangel has varying weather, and day /night time matches sometimes affecting visibility and requiring a change in strategy and tactics. A red circle will appear on the map from time to time, showing the offshore artillery being bombarded. The considerable distance between major landmarks makes it necessary to use vehicles to get to different locations in time. It is an 8×8 km map pointed with small outcroppings of buildings, huts, and shelters. Without a doubt, this map is definitely more about short, quick matches with lots of action.Erangel is the biggest and the most played map for the game. You can land basically anywhere and emerge with a full kit of different weapons, healing items, vest, helmet, backpack, and attachments. Specifically, Livik is full of high-value loot in most places. In this regard, it’s very similar to Sanhok, especially when it comes to the loot that you can find. The locations themselves are also something like what you’d see in a Swedish or Finnish postcard, with windmills, wooden cottages, ruined castles, and more.Īnd speaking of the locations, Livik is quite notable since, even though it’s quite small, at least when compared to Erangel or Miramar, it has quite a few different zones and buildings. Livik is full of vibrant greeneries, colorful flower fields, and even roaring waterfalls that spill into rushing rivers it’s something we haven’t seen in this game before. The new Livik map is completely different in this regard as it’s one of the most colorful locations we’ve ever seen in the game, so far-Seriously, it looks like something straight out of a storybook. PUBG has always been a game with a focus on realism with, for lack of a better term, a muted color palette.

New pubg map